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Huaxia Chinese School Connecticut Branch

School Address:
52 Stadley Rough Rd,
Danbury CT 06810
(Starting 2022-23 School Year)

Class Time: 1:30 to 4:30 pm every Saturday 
(please see the Calendar)

Contact: huaxiact@gmail.com  (203)744-9280

校长致辞 The Message from the Principal





校长 戚英来

Welcome to Huaxia Chinese School Connecticut (HXCT)! Our school is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization registered with the State of Connecticut since 2005. The mission of the school is to teach the modern Chinese language, Chinese culture and its heritage and serve as a Chinese cultural center to foster mutual understanding and appreciation between the Chinese Americans and other ethnic groups in the community. It is affiliated with Huaxia Chinese School, one of the biggest Chinese language schools in US with over 7,000 students in the Northeast region.

Chinese civilization has over 5,000 years’ history and Chinese culture is rich and broad. As a result, Chinese language is the key to the treasure of eastern wisdom that has been cumulating for thousand years. HXCT is dedicated to creating an environment that Chinese language is widely being used, to all students who want to learn the language, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political preference, ancestry or disabilities.

The sustainable development of Chinese school depends on the diligence and persistence of the students, teachers and parents. The current HXCT Council is open to suggestions and is determined to further improve the school based on feedback from all. What we do is to plant the seeds of eastern wisdom into the hearts of all students, little by little, hoping that one day the seeds will grow into big trees. We will remind the students all the time that it’s important to be open and inclusive and understand different perspectives so that they will not be confused or be easily misled in the modern society. Finally, we hope more people will join us on the education of Chinese language and promotion of Chinese culture. We have a high regard for all teachers and volunteers who are contributing to Chinese schools!

Yinglai Qi
HXCT Principal

Recent Events

2019 Mid Autumn Moon Festival

2018 Mid Autumn Moon Festival

2017 Teacher Training Report by Hua Li

2017 Teacher Training Report by Xue Yan

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Huaxia Newsletter
HXCT Year Book

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