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About Us
HuaXia Chinese School, Connecticut

Huaxia-CT is a non-profit organization registered with the State of Connecticut. It is the first CT branch and the nineteenth overall of Huaxia Chinese School on the East coast.

The mission of the school is to teach modern Chinese language, Chinese culture and its heritage. Students will learn the standard Pin-Yin and simplified characters. The school will also serve as a Chinese cultural center to foster mutual understanding and appreciation between the Chinese Americans and other ethnic groups in the community.

The school offers classes from Kindergarten Chinese through grade 7 Chinese, Chinese as a Second Language (CSL), Chinese for adult and Chinese culture classes.

As a new organization, our school needs your help. You can help us by direct donation, by providing services such as teaching, promoting our school and its mission among your friends and communities. If you are interested in serving as a teacher (Chinese or culture classes), or more information, please contact the school principal, Mr. Yinglai Qi at futurewinner@gmail.com

Donation to the school: When you make your annual contribution to the United Way or other charities, we would greatly appreciate your specifying Huaxia Chinese School – CT as the recipient of your donation. Huaxia Chinese School is a tax-exempt non-profit organization with the 501(c)3 status.

Huaxia-CT admits students, conducts all educational programs and activities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, ancestry or disabilities.

HuaXia Chinese School Bylaw Document

School Address (For Classes): Christ Shepherd Church, 52 Stadley Rough Rd, Danbury, CT 06810

School Mailing Address: Huaxia Chinese School-Connecticut, P. O. Box 3227, Danbury, CT 06813-3227

School Voice Phone Number: (203) 744-9280

School General Email Address:

Copyright © by HuaXia Chinese School at Connecticut All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2006-03-12 (83959 reads)

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