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Class Information

Class Name Teacher Room Textbook Class Description
Grade 1 Yong, Shelly Ma Liping (Grade 1) This course focuses on Chinese Pin Yin and characters (creation, evolution, and stroke orders). Reading and writing skills are introduced. It includes basic sentence pattern analysis and development of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Grade 2 Wu, Lifen Ma Liping (Grade 2) This course further emphasizes Chinese Pin Yin, character, and sentence composition. Students will gain additional proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Mandarin in practical situations.
Grade 3 Wang, Yaqing Ma Liping (Grade 3) This course teaches grammar and improves reading and writing skills in Mandarin. Continue to build up students’ vocabulary and teach them how to compose correct sentences. Dictionary use is introduced.
Grade 4 Xue, Yuan Ma Liping (Grade 4) This course asks students to use their own dictionary and get ready to read simple Chinese articles. Students will be able to write Chinese letters, articles, short stories, and much more after taking this course.
Grade 5 Wang, Yanhong Ma Liping (Grade 5) This course focuses on the following aspects: (1) expanding and enriching students’ vocabulary significantly; (2) introducing advanced Chinese grammar; (3) developing the students’ abilities to read and analyze modern Chinese prose, essays and short stories; (4) basic training of Chinese writing.
Grade 6 Qi, Yinglai Ma Liping (Grade 6) This course provides students with basic knowledge and techniques of argumentative composition (300-600 words each). Students are expected to be able to articulate their views convincingly in both spoken and written modern Chinese language after taking this course.
Grade 7 , Ma Liping (Grade 7) This course helps students get ready for HSK Elementary-Intermediate test or SAT Subject Test in Chinese.
Kindergarten Peng, Zhechu Ma Liping (K) This course is a fun start to learn Chinese. Focusing on Chinese Pin Yin, speaking, and listening. Writing Pin Yin and simple characters are encouraged.
Pre-K Li, Hua Prepare class for Chinese School. Singing Chinese songs, telling Chinese stories and learning Chinese Characters in the easy grouping environment.
Culture NameTeacherRoom Culture Description
Crafts, This course leads students to make origami paper craft products like birds, animals, stars, flowers baskets, boxes and so on.
DancingWang, Yaqing This course teaches classical Chinese dance and seeks to develop rhythm, movement, and musicality. Choreography will be taught throughout the school year to be performed at various local community events. Families may need to purchase individual performance costumes for their students if the school lacks the needed costumes.
DrawingMa, Ryan This course not only teaches students the basic techniques of drawing and painting, but also cultivates them to develop ways of creative and artistic thinking.
* Please note each culture class requires a minimum enrollment of 6 students to run.
* Information listed above is subject to change at any time, please check back for latest updated version.

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